[Aussie Curves – Denim]

Oh Goodness, it’s been a while! I want to try and bring a lot more fashion posts to the blog, because I know you guys love them. I was feeling super uninspired when it came to fashion for the last few weeks of Aussie Curves, but I’m back in the game and I’m bringing my favourite go-to pieces along for the ride!

#aussiecurves Continue reading

Aussie Curves – Song!


It took me a while to come up with this week’s outfit – the theme “song” leaves a lot to interpretation. I watched everyone else’s posts go up, hoping something would come to me, but still nothing! I got there though! And once I actually came up with it, I was fairly certain I had hit genius levels! Continue reading

Aussie Curves – Time Saver!

Firstly, I want to say thank you to all of you who reached out to me after my last post. It was a difficult thing to put myself out there like that, and I received the best response imaginable! You guys are amazing xx

Now, on to the clothes! Would you believe we actually took these photos last Wednesday and I just forgot to add them?! Typical Murphy! Continue reading

Aussie Curves – Body Con!


Oh how lazy I have been with my Aussie Curves posts! The past few weeks I’ve said to myself “Oh yeah! I can wear such and such outfit for that post” and just never got around to it. Then there was last week’s Pattern Clash outfit which was traumatising for me, and you were all so gracious in telling me it didn’t look as awful as it felt! Continue reading